Voditeljica projekta sudjelovala je na međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji Beyond Camps and Forced Labour: Current International Research on Survivors of Nazi Persecutionkoju su organizirali: Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, University of London; Imperial War Museum Institute; Holocaust Research Institute, Royal Holloway, University of London; The Wiener Holocaust Library, London; University of Wolverhampton, od 4. do 6. siječnja 2023.

Profesorica Feldman sudjelovala je izlaganjem  “The way out of Hades: Vera Erlich and the question of repatriation of the Yugoslav Jews in the aftermath of WWII”.

Više: https://bisa.bbk.ac.uk/event/beyond-camps-and-forced-labour-current-international-research-on-survivors-of-nazi-persecution-3/



Voditeljica projekta Andrea Feldman sudjelovala je na konferenciji Trauma of Communism, koja se umjesto u Rimu održala online zbog pandemije COVID-19.

Izlaganje na konferenciji objavljeno je u zborniku radova s konferencije.


Više: https://nanovic.nd.edu/news/securing-the-future-and-liberating-the-past-a-reflection-on-the-trauma-of-communism/




Znanstveni kolokvij ISTI ROD, RAZLIČITE SUDBINE. ŽENSKI IDENTITETI OD SREDNJEG VIJEKA DO 20. STOLJEĆA. Hrvatski institut za povijest Podružnica za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje i Gradska knjižnica Slavonski Brod. Slavonski Brod, 25.11.2022.

Profesorica Ograjšek Gorenjak održala je izlaganje „Isprepletenost povijesti feminizma i ženske povijesti“.


Više: http://historiografija.hr/?p=33544



Ida Ograjšek Gorenjak sudjelovala je na međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji: Literature and Cultural Studies Section: ‘Re-writing/Re-imagining the Past’, THE 22nd ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST.

Konferencija je održana na Sveučilištu u Bukureštu od 3. do 5. lipnja 2021, a profesorica Ograjšek Gorenjak održala je izlaganje: “Re-writing women’s history in Croatia“.




Call For Papers

Modern Women Thinkers: Intellectual Development of Women in the 20th Century

International Conference

Inter-University Centre, IUC, Dubrovnik, Croatia 6-8 June 2022

Paper proposals due: 15 January 2022                 

Deadline Extended – International Pest Risk Research GroupEXTENDED: 1 FEBRUARY 2022


The goal of the conference is to construct the intellectual history of women and to detect ideological changes in the understanding of the concept of women in the 20th century. The conference intends to explain the intellectual origins of the modern woman in the context of changing social circumstances. It will seek to trace the development of ideas formulated by women in their intellectual endeavours. We are interested in women’s influence and criticism, and their efforts to change or define their social position, with potential focus on Croat, South Slavic/Yugoslav and Central European spaces in the last decades of the 19th to the end of the 20th centuries. This period saw the more active involvement of women in social and public life in efforts to achieve political and legal equality. Interdisciplinary interest will encompass theoretical and practical insights into fields as diverse as history, education, literary theory, anthropology, and philosophy. The conference will reveal the mechanisms of the construction of women’s complex identities (both individual and collective) with reference to their national, religious, gender, class and cultural components. The objective is to understand the life of women during the different political systems of this area over a period of more than a century. We expect contributions to encompass personalities and ideas that changed the understanding of the status of women and to examine the ways and forms of their social organizations and public actions (including women’s organizations and women’s roles as intellectuals).

The conference will be organized by the Faculty of Teacher Education (University of Zagreb) in the framework of the Modern Women Thinkers research project. All participants at the conference pay a conference fee of 50 Euros. For more information: http://mmz.ufzg.hr/en/about/

We invite paper proposals of maximum 250 words along with a short CV to be sent by email to: modernwomenthinkers@gmail.com

This project is fully supported by the Croatian Science Foundation under project number IP-2018-01-3732.



Profesorica Andrea Feldman i asistentica Marijana Kardum organizirale su panel Revisiting World War II Polish and Croat Women’s Life-Writings na godišnjoj konferenciji najvažnije slavističke organizacije, Udruženja za slavističke, istočnoeuropske i eurazijske studije (Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies) koja se održala u New Orleansu, SAD, uživo od 18. do 21. studenoga 2021. Panelu se izlaganjem pridružila prof. Katherine Lebow s Oxforda, a predsjedala je prof. Nancy Winfield sa Sveučilišta Northern Illinois, dok je diskusiju vodila prof. Marci Shore s Yalea.

Više informacija: https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aseees/aseees21/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Session&selected_session_id=1855070&PHPSESSID=hbl23oqi4jhhq72e5s161rummk


Profesorica Feldman sudjelovala je i na važnom i dobro posjećenom okruglom stolu Under Siege: Illiberalism and the Attack on Women, Gender, and Sexuality Programs and Policies.

Više informacija: https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aseees/aseees21/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Session&selected_session_id=1856321&PHPSESSID=hbl23oqi4jhhq72e5s161rummk


Ida Ograjšek Gorenjak i Ana Batinić sudjelovale su izlaganjima (Nastavnice zagrebačkih gimnazija u međuratnom razdoblju te Udruženje za unapređivanje dječje književnosti u Zagrebu) na Šestom kongresu hrvatskih povjesničara koji se održao uživo, u Rijeci, od 29. rujna do 2. listopada 2021.

Više informacija i program na: http://historiografija.hr/?p=27500



Doktorandica Marijana Kardum stručno se usavršavala na ljetnom sveučilištu Confronting the Crisis of Expertise: Historical Roots and Current Challenges.
Organizirali the Open Society University Network (OSUN), Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives i Uppsala University, Švedska na Central European University u Budimpešti, Mađarska od 26. 7. do 30. 7. 2021.